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Brangwen is a noble daughter of the Falcon clan. In 643, she was betrothed to Prince Galrion, the man who would become Nevyn, and inspired him to seek her subsequent incarnations for the next hundreds of years. Brangwen is a former incarnation of Jill.

In the Books[]

Daggerspell (643)[]

Brangwen is a lady of the Falcon clan. She was originally betrothed to Prince Galrion, who broke off their engagement when he chooses to study dweomer. Blaen, the lord of the Boar clan and blood-sworn friend of her brother Gerraent, is in love with her and wished to marry her. He waits to formally ask her when her father unexpectedly dies and she enters a summer of mourning. In a deep depression after losing her father and her betrothed, Brangwen enters into an incestuous relationship with Gerraent. At this time, Brangwen becomes suicidal, wishing that Gerraent would kill them both. Unbeknownst to her, Galrion, who has been disowned by his father and taken the moniker "Nevyn," plans to return for her and take her away to study dweomer. Before he arrives, however, Blaen discovers Brangwen is pregnant with her brother's child. Gerraent kills Blaen and prompts Blaen's men to kill him. Brangwen is taken away by Nevyn, but she is unable to recover from her suicidal ideation and drowns herself in a river. Nevyn then swears an oath to teach her the dweomer and to follow her through multiple incarnations.

Family and relationships[]

Brangwen is the daughter of Dwen and sister of Gerraent. She is initially betrothed to Prince Galrion until he breaks off their relationship to study dweomer. She becomes informally betrothed to Blaen of the Boar clan, but enters into an incestuous relationship with her brother after the death of their father. Blaen finds out about the relationship after she falls pregnant.

Personality and appearance[]

Brangwen is a sweet and thoughtful young girl. She is very loyal to her family. People close to her call her "Gwennie." When her life begins to fall apart, she becomes apathetic and pessimistic.

She's tall and willow slim, with long blonde hair and eyes "as deep and blue as a winter river." Men call her "the most beautiful lass in all Deverry."

Other incarnations[]

Hwilli, Lyssa, Gweniver, Branoic, Morwen, Jill, Branna

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